Healthy well-being resilience: Everyone must and can maintain their own health. Health/wellness is the natural state of being. Ants, mice, dogs, cows, horses, deer, pigs all do it naturally and yet the “modern” human finds it terribly difficult. Why? Because throughout our history and without really noticing it, we have been persuaded that disease is something that exists, and that to take care of ourselves we must put the upkeep of our health in the hands of others. We consider that health can only be reached by using certain methods and that health is not inherent. With just a small shift in our outlook we can realize that life unfolds in a free, independent and spontaneous way.
If you do not know how to take care of yourself where is freedom?
Where is independence?
If both the mind and the organism are not able to respond to an emergency, what use is so much talk about the concept of freedom?