Our talons of Resilience:

self sustenance culture icon

Healthy well-being resilience: Everyone must and can maintain their own health. Health/wellness is the natural state of being. Ants, mice, dogs, cows, horses, deer, pigs all do it naturally and yet the “modern” human finds it terribly difficult. Why? Because throughout our history and without really noticing it, we have been persuaded that disease is something that exists, and that to take care of ourselves we must put the upkeep of our health in the hands of others. We consider that health can only be reached by using certain methods and that health is not inherent. With just a small shift in our outlook we can realize that life unfolds in a free, independent and spontaneous way.

If you do not know how to take care of yourself where is freedom?

Where is independence?

If both the mind and the organism are not able to respond to an emergency, what use is so much talk about the concept of freedom?

food icon of the talons of self sustainment

Food resilience: People are starving because of politics/centralization, not because there is not enough food in the world. 

We have plenty of food in the world, tons of it rots in ports every year. Anyone who thinks people are starving because there is not enough food is just simply ignore-ant.

Growing food, saving seeds and plant breeding are the common inheritance of humanity. Illiterate plant breeders brought us every crop we now grow (that hasn’t been hybridized or genetically modified). The seed keepers didn’t read or write, and they didn’t know about genes. Without book learning they collaborated cooperatively (in Ayni) with each other, with their local ecosystems and their inhabitants to give us wonderful food. The work the “simple, uncivilized, uneducated” people did to give us corn, beans, squash and grain, and more is the most sophisticated and important thing humanity has accomplished. It hides in plain sight dwarfing the achievement of the greatest temples in the world. About 60 years ago an industrial model of growing food began to separate us from traditional food growing methods. Far away “experts” replaced people’s own understanding and insight. We have since stopped growing our own food and seeds to become cogs in a global corporate machine. We have disturbed the perfect balance of nature and then have to fight against “pests”, and “weeds” for which we have only ourselves to blame.

Where is the freedom?

Growing our own food in harmony with mother nature is an incredibly powerful way to change our world. If we are not able to grow our own food, what use is so much talk about the concept of freedom?

Centralization is the biggest problem. A centralized food system is inherently problematic. It concentrates animals, and that automatically causes sanitation, husbandry and manure problems. It also causes huge transportation costs. It takes roughly 15 calories of energy to put 1 calorie of food on the table. Of those 15 calories, 4 are for transportation. The average T-bone steak you look at in your local supermarket has traveled 2,000 miles to get to you!

water icon of talons of self sustainment

Water resilience: is the foundation of all life and is fundamental to our survival. Water is sacred and she flows through all life here on our mother. She was given a job to do. Without water plants, trees, all life perishes. Without her nourishing presence, soil organic matter oxidizes, literally burning away in the sun’s radiation. Without water, the living green skin of our mother turns brown and blows away, taking civilization with it, not matter how “developed” civilization is. If water is slowed down, and brought to the location of a drain to be conveyed safely away before she can do her nourishing job, the drought actually becomes worse. The USDA”s “expert” soil and water conservation practices actually make drought worse! With a keen observation of the shape of our land, and how that shape interacts with water, we can give water her job again, and enjoy plenty of water for all. In a global sense, we are all downstream from someone else in the world’s water cycle. We must consider both our role and responsibility of allowing water to do her job properly once again so that ALL of life thrives.

If we are without water, what use is so much talk about the concept of freedom?

If we allow experts that actually make things worse to “manage” our water, where is the freedom?

Where is the independence?

energy icon of talons of self sustainment

Energy resilience: We inherently have the right to define for ourselves the parameters of energy generation, distribution and consumption, without impacting others negatively. Incorporating local traditional knowledge and seeks to work in harmony with the natural world, causing the least amount of harm possible. Energy self sustainability allows each dehesa/community to determine what its energy needs are and to find the path to meeting those needs in ways that benefits the entire ecological system, rather than simply benefitting only the human population.

educational icon of talons of self sustainment

Educational resilience: Learning is a circular endeavor rather than the linear process we have all been domesticated by. In the circular endeavor we find that everyone has something unique to share with us. No one shares eyes with another human being, or ears, or a heart, so we all see, hear and feel differently. So everyone has a unique perspective to offer, and recognizing that they have something to offer gives each of us a different perspective. In our standardized education system, the pupil, regardless of age is “schooled” to confuse teaching with learning, grade advancement with education, a diploma with competence, and fluency with the ability to say something new. Our imaginations have been “schooled” to accept the service of the “teacher” rather than the value of what is being taught. Obligatory schooling inevitably polarizes a society, and grades the nations of the world according to an international caste system. Where is the freedom? Most learning happens casually, outside of school, and even most intentional learning is not the result of programmed instruction. Everyone learns how to live outside of school, we learn to speak, think, love, feel, play, curse, to politick and even work without interference from a teacher. The pupil has been schooled for selective service among the rich of the world. Everywhere the school system has the same structure, and everywhere its hidden curriculum has the same effect. Invariably it shapes the consumer who values institutional commodities above the “nonprofessional” ministration of a neighbor. Every where this same curriculum instills in the pupil the myth that increased production will provide a better life.

Where is the freedom?

Where is the independence?

A child on the streets of any city in the world never touches anything which has not been scientifically developed, engineered, planned and sold to to some one.

If we allow institutions to dictate our “learning” what is the use of all the talk of freedom?

The alternative to dependence on schools is the creation of a new style of educational relationship between man and his/her environment.

Educational self sustenance starts with the question what kinds of things and people might learners want to be in contact with in order to learn?

economic icon of talons of self sustainment

Economic resilience: Money is an abstraction, at most symbols on a piece of paper, more usually today bits in a computer. It’s a made-up thing. People in pre-money societies were largely self-sufficient. They killed, or grew, or found their food in community, and they made their own stuff. Money is a system of social agreements, meanings and symbols that develops over time. In a word, it is a story that we can change anytime. Today’s economic system rewards selfishness and greed. Money is an agent of scarcity, the mentality of control. Where is the freedom? In the beginning was the Gift. Our lives are GIVEN to us, so our default state is gratitude. Ancient religious thinkers said that God made the world and gave it to us. Humility knows that this gift is beyond our ability to master. Gratitude know that we honor or dishonor the giver of a gift by how we use it. In a gift economy more for you is also more for me because those who have give to those who need. Gifts cement the mystical realization of participation in something greater than oneself, which is not separate from oneself.

Cohabitation Dehesas

Dehesa- The word comes from the old growth multifunctional agrosylvopastoral systems of Spain. The dehesas of Spain (Montados in Portugal) are examples of ecosystems where humans play a constructive role, maintaining and improving the landscape to benefit wilderness, all its inhabitants and humans equally. The area of land belongs to the village/cohabitors in common.

Forests seem permanent and natural. Few are. For at least 6,000 years men and women have shaped the woods. The forests as we know them are products of craft/art-ing.

Up until our time a forest was not a wilderness. From it might be harvested timber, firewood, tanbark, charcoal, fence and hurdle poles, splints for wattle, grass to pasture sheep, goats, cattle, horses, bison and more, acorns to fatten hogs, honey from beehives, ink from oak galls. In return, the users left the dung of the grazing animals.

A good dehesa looks like a park. The principal trees are oak, and under the trees are grasses and many more forage plants.

No one gets individually rich on a Dehesa, yet all live well. It requires a complex code of use allied to half a dozen crafts (or more) in a system of care and protection for all who come after. This has been going on since the bronze age and before. Since the Neolithic age crops have been planted among the trees.


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Owl can see that which others cannot, which is the essence of true wisdom

Owwl Dojo's Training Journey

Our body and wings

Our talons of self sustainment

Meet the Sensei



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Arting/Crafting careers

 Working for a living= merely surviving

Career-ing= inspiring for a short time

Art-ing/crafting vocation-ing= awakened radiantly happy living a full filling life.


Since humans began to build and settle down, there have been two versions of the world; the world made with wood, and the world made with coal and oil. One lasted 12 to 15 millenia, the other has lasted about 250 years so far, and is crumbling into non being.

Humans arose through the exercise of memory, reason and skill in a world that was warming and blooming. Memory gave to reason its material and skill proved a thought to be true (or not). Skill suggested a turn of the wrist, memory preserved it, reason compared it.

The human attributes-courage, faithfulness, patience, fortitude, prudence and honor were forged where the faculties met, in the making of home in the world.

Human beings learned from the woods around them. The more the people worked with the oak, the more the oak taught them what it could do.

When we talk about prehistoric Britain we tend to think of Stonehenge. What we seldom realize is that Stonehenge is by no means unique. Most of the henges that have been excavated were largely or entirely made of oak posts.

The shapes and patterns of all the henges are called entropic because it is thought that they were created within the eyes itself.

The human mind grew through the knowledge born of Art, of Craft, and in order to make, our ancestors had to imagine. In order to imagine, they had to make. Between thinking/imagining and making (art-ing/crafting) the world we know emerged.

To imagine and to make (art, craft) are reinforcing pairs that awaken your spirit to life a big talented full-filling life.


The journey

Crafting Dojo Opportunities

Service and volunteering dojo

Throw coins into the sacred pond

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Who is us

We are re-enchanting our world by honoring and celebrating everybody and everything while Art-ing a good life for all.


About aatl

Owl- wings and body

Our Renunciations

Our Animal Tribe

Our Human Tribe

Our heritage

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