Working for a living= merely surviving
Career-ing= inspiring for a short time
Art-ing/crafting vocation-ing= awakened radiantly happy living a full filling life.
Since humans began to build and settle down, there have been two versions of the world; the world made with wood, and the world made with coal and oil. One lasted 12 to 15 millenia, the other has lasted about 250 years so far, and is crumbling into non being.
Humans arose through the exercise of memory, reason and skill in a world that was warming and blooming. Memory gave to reason its material and skill proved a thought to be true (or not). Skill suggested a turn of the wrist, memory preserved it, reason compared it.
The human attributes-courage, faithfulness, patience, fortitude, prudence and honor were forged where the faculties met, in the making of home in the world.
Human beings learned from the woods around them. The more the people worked with the oak, the more the oak taught them what it could do.
When we talk about prehistoric Britain we tend to think of Stonehenge. What we seldom realize is that Stonehenge is by no means unique. Most of the henges that have been excavated were largely or entirely made of oak posts.
The shapes and patterns of all the henges are called entropic because it is thought that they were created within the eyes itself.
The human mind grew through the knowledge born of Art, of Craft, and in order to make, our ancestors had to imagine. In order to imagine, they had to make. Between thinking/imagining and making (art-ing/crafting) the world we know emerged.
To imagine and to make (art, craft) are reinforcing pairs that awaken your spirit to life a big talented full-filling life.
The journey
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