Welcome to OWWL Dojo where we are learning to live handmade lives directly in harmony with our mother earth’s capacity of plenitude for all of us, as we reconnect ourselves to our inner immortal, youthful Divinity.
To inspire the reconnection, we weave together that ancient spirited/animistic beliefs from Hawaii, the Andes and China.
The first humans lived in perfect harmony with nature and the gods of their own accord without the compulsion of the law they were honest and true, and lived from their inherent goodness. Mother earth gave all things spontaneously, unasked and in abundance.
They were ruled not by other men, but by spirits, those corresponding to the eternal element in human nature, and the more than human life world. Time was cyclical, not linear, and they knew creation to be a continuous process.
Everything was sacred, not because pious people chose to regard it as such, but because it was in fact ruled by spirit, by the creative powers manifest in all the phenomena of nature, shaping the features of the landscape, regulating the seasons, the cycles of fertility, the lives of animals and men.
We know that the memory of this way of life is still deep in our DNA , and so we are re-membering how to live this way.