Choose a tuition amount and register
We consider this work so sacred it’s a challenge to put a price tag on it. The problem with offering it for free is that sometimes people don’t see it as valuable then. Without a fee, there tends to be low commitment and expectations. We also want to honour the time spent in creating this to the best of our ability, for your best benefit.
The solution is to let you choose your fee, so you choose the amount that feels right to you given:
- your financial means
- your anticipation of value
- your gesture of commitment
If your financial means are limited, then you can chose a token amount, or even zero.
In case you feel uncomfortable about paying zero, we hold no negative judgement about that. We welcome everyone regardless of their ability to pay. Regardless of the amount, you will receive the same content and other benefits as everyone else.
What is the right amount for you? We suggest something that represents a commitment to full participation.