Author: Ingrid

Hi! I was born into a new american citizen family! I was in utero when my mom and dad became US Citizens. They both grew up in Germany, both my grandfathers were WWII Veterans on the German side of the conflict. First generation American, the youngest of 4 daughters, I was the first to go to college. I graduated from the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center with my BS in Nursing, and went off to OIS for the US Navy Nurse Corps. A few years later I was in the Army Nurse Corps, and was in the Nurse Anesthesia program, I didn't finish my MSN.. now I'm in the Master's/PhD program in Integrative Medicine through Quantum University, and also working on my MBA in Sustainable Business through Maharishi International University. I live on my forest ranch in Oklahoma, everything is all natural chemical free, no hormones, no antibiotics.. and the CEO of OWL Warrior Hub!

The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction of 2022

Jupiter chases Neptune around the comic racetrack, catching up with Neptune every 12 -13 years to form a conjunction. This conjunction is typically seen as an event, and it is an event that sparks a process, a process of releasing, or as Neptune is an ice giant, a process of “ice-ing” something in your life. The Jupiter part of the process is claiming something that is yours by heaven/divine right to claim. These are processes of your soul’s evolutionary journey in this 3D physical world. The last Jupiter/Neptune conjunction happened in 2009-2010. What did your release/ice out of your life in the last 12 years, and what have you claimed? What are you being called to release in the next 12 years, and what are you being called to claim for an evolutionary breakthrough?

Lets talk about time!

What is time? We’ve all hear the phrase “time heals all wounds”, but that doesn’t tell us what time is. We could say time past is a memory and time future is a dream, so the only real time is here and now. If there is only here and now, is there time? Time is Great Spirit’s way of keeping everything we think we want from happening all at one. It’s also Spirit’s tool to fulfill a grander evolutionary plan. Time is like a river, and as you can’t step into the same physical river twice, you can’t step into the same river of time twice. Natural time is given to us by the rotation of our mother earth on her axis as she swims around grandfather sun in the cosmic celestial ocean. Did you know there is artificial time? If you are an urban dweller, or like the vast majority of our human species, your time is not governed by the sun, moon and stars, it is governed by a calendar and a clock. As long as you know what day of the week it is, and what time it is, you don’t really need to know when the sun sets or rises or what phase the moon is in. Try to imagine a world without April and Easter or December and Christmas. We take these dates for granted, as if they are a truth, but yet the only place they exist is in our minds! The bottom line is- Calendar and clock time are killing you, are bringing you to the 6th mass extinction event- of the human species.

What is a personal legend?

It is simply, what you always wanted to do from the time you were very young and wide open to dreaming! Everyone knows their personal legend when they are young, but it becomes distorted by society, parents, family, friends, the education system, all a force that convinces us this legend will be impossible to realize, or won’t make us enough money.. When you really want something it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the Universe and is your mission on earth. Your soul, along with the soul of the Universe never lets you rest until you’ve set off on your personal legendary journey to find your treasure that feeds and nourishes the Soul of the World and all of life. The World’s greatest lie is that when we grow up we are to work for some big corporation, some boss, so that we can pay rent, pay for food, pay for electricity, and maybe when we are old enough we can go on a holiday. And that is our fate, there is no escaping it. That is the world’s biggest lie! That is not living, its simply prolonging death, and it certainly isn’t living your personal legend of finding your treasure! To find your personal legend, you must follow the omens with all your senses. The Universe/Great Spirit/Field of Plenty/Creator has prepared a path for everyone to follow, and your job is to read the omens. When you make the decision to read the omens and follow your personal legend you are diving into a strong current that will carry you to places you have only dared to dream of. Has an omen brought you here? Sign up to be an Owl Citizen and let us help you find your personal legend!

let’s talk about Narcissus!

We’ve all heard the story of Narcissus, a youth who knelt beside a lake daily to contemplate his own beauty, and was so fascinated with himself that he fell into the lake and drowned. This story has given us the reason to make enemies of other people.. calling them narcissistic, in an attempt to disempower someone we don’t like, because we see ourselves in them. Now let’s have a different ending for Narcissus: when he died, the goddesses of the forest appeared and found the lake which had been fresh water and was now salty tears. “Why do you weep?” the goddesses asked. “I weep for Narcissus” the lake replied. “Ah, it is no surprise that you weep for Narcissus” they said “for though we always pursued him in the forest, you alone could contemplate his beauty close at hand.” “But.. was Narcissus beautiful?” the lake asked. “Who better than you to know that?” the goddesses said in wonder. “After all, it was by your banks he knelt each day to contemplate himself.” The lake was silent for some time. Finally it said “I weep for Narcissus, but I never noticed that Narcissus was beautiful. I weep because, each time he knelt beside my banks, I could see in the depths of his eyes, my own beauty reflected. ” and that is why a beautiful flower called Narcissus was born. To remind us, that when we contemplate our own beauty, it reflects the beauty of others.

Let’s talk about Chiron!

Chiron, an asteroid you will find in your natal chart is annotated with the k on top of a circle. This glyph can be seen as a key, a key that opens a door. What is his significance? In Greek mythology, Chiron was a Centaur, half horse, half human and was despised by his mother, abandoned by his mother.. forcing him to heal his own darkness. Chiron was later adopted and educated by Apollo and Artemis and he became a philosopher and healer of renown. He was shot by Heracles with a poison tipped arrow, and the myth then goes on to tell us that despite the fact that he healed his darkness early on, now he could no longer heal himself. So we have taken this myth and used it, to spend years in therapy, marinate in our wounds, and believe that once we are given a diagnosis of dis-ease.. we are now bound by that, with no way to heal. The truth is, we can change that myth, and Chiron himself is calling us to change that myth. We CAN heal, and live beyond our wounds and disease. Since I started watching the sky, Chiron has been sitting (and it looks like he is sitting because his orbit is 50 years long!) at 00 hour.. aka 2400 hours on the east to west axis. The 24th DNA switch is all about addictions. When operating in the darkness, we are operating in addiction mode. Addiction doesn’t mean just alcohol, or substances, it can be anything we “can’t live without”. We humans are born programmed for addiction, and the culprit here is our minds! With Chiron sitting at this hour since May 2020 .. and before he has been handing us the key out of our wounding.. turning on the switch to bring us into the “black hole” of our silence where we no longer think, but are thought by life. Out of this silence we can truly be original inventors. Since May 2020, Chiron has been moving backwards, and on the north/south axis he was at +5 degrees, and slowly moving south. On December 8, Chiron at 2400 hours, now stepped on the 12 minute switch. The 12th DNA switch fellow earth citizens, is a stop switch.. which means that on December 8, the energy of Chiron has been.. “Stop your addictions, come out of your vanity (the shadow of the 12th switch) into your silence and purity. On December 11, his next adjustment was to 2400 hours, 12 minutes and 56 seconds. The 56th switch, is ANOTHER STOP switch! The message/energy of this double stop? Come out of your addictions, vanity AND distractions.. just stop .. so you can allow the switches to be turned on to Silence-original invention, Purity-discernment and Intoxication with life itself! Fellow earth citizens, he stayed here at this energy from the 8th of December till the 17th, when he started moving forward again, by the second. He is currently at 2400 hours 12 minutes (still the STOP message) and 59 seconds! Tomorrow, he will move forward to 13 minutes, giving us the key to start new!

The Great Conjunction

Astrology is pointing at December 21 being the one and only day of this conjunction, however.. It started on the 6th of December when they were 1 degree 40 minutes apart, and it has been steadily decreasing since! Today, on December 17, they are at 0 degrees 29 minutes, 26 seconds apart. To navigate the sky better, Astronomers have created a latitude and longitude grid. This grid runs east to west, in hours, minutes and seconds, and then north-south in degrees, minutes and seconds. On November 24, Saturn rose to minus 20 degrees, and on the 28th, he moved eastward to 20 hours, so he has been orbiting at 20 hours, minus 20 degrees since! In the constellation of Sagittarius. This will not happen again for 30 years! On December 11, Jupiter moved eastward to 20 hours, and on the 12th, he rose to minus 20 degrees, also in the constellation of Sagittarius. What is the significance of this? the part of our DNA that science has labeled “junk”, is composed of switches. When the 20th switch is turned “off”, we are operating in the darkness/shadow of Superficiality. Superficiality could better be described as sitting just on the fringe of life, without really plunging in. To live in superficiality is also to live within the false illusions that our minds love to fabricate. In a person of an introvert nature, this shadow is seen as the person seeming to just be absent/vacant from their life. In a person of an extrovert nature, this shadow is seen as the person who is hectic, always on the move, keeping themselves so busy and self absorbed they never stop. Since we entered the linear time frame of the year 2000, life itself has been turning on our 20th switch, calling us to come into our power of Divine presence, acting from our sacred space of Divine self assurance. 2020, is really triggering this light switch, and now we have the two gas giants in the sky joining the turning on of this light switch! To allow this switch to stay on, simply meditate with this mantra “I am Divine presence”. The other significance of this Great Conjunction is that this is the closest they have been in the sky since 1623. What happened on OUR planet earth in 1623? the word insomnia was first put in the dictionary Myles Standish led a small band of settlers to assassinate Native American Warriors 2 more ships arrived to populate the Plymouth Colony The battle of Stadtlohn was fought between the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant church Governer Bradford of the Plymouth Colony declared a day of Thanksgiving. So.. with the great conjunction, came the experience of insomnia, that is now being brought to an end. Also with this great conjunction, the establishment of Patriarchy on the shores of Turtle Island, a day of Thanks.. to those peoples indigenous to Turtle Island, who lived in harmony with our mother earth and all of life.. who shared with the white colonizer settlers on the verge of collapse because their white colonizer settler/patriarchal ways knew nothing of living in harmony with our mother earth. This white colonizer settler patriarchal virus later declared the way of life that had saved them as “savage” and to be exterminated. This Saturn Jupiter Grand Conjunction folks.. is heralding the end to that! And we are being called with great intensity to come out of the darkness of superficiality, into the gift of our Divine presence!

The Sun is in Ophiuchus

After 6 short days in the constellation of Scorpius, the Sun has orbited into the constellation of Ophiuchus today! This constellation was removed by the Babylonian astrologers, and to continue to follow astrology without this constellation is to keep yourself wrapped in the Babylonian and Roman age! Do we really want to keep repeating that over and over? Ophiuchus is pronounced “oaf-ih-you-kus” and is known as the serpent bearer. It sits in the most colorful part of the sky and is northwest of the center of the milky way-our galactic center that the sun orbits. Its home to a number of star clusters, and includes Keplar’s Supernova. In 2014 NASA’s stardust mission of 2014 collected star dust from Ophiuchus, and in 2017 scientists isolated Methyl iso-cyanate, a key building block of life, as well as glucoaldehyde- a sugar associated with the formation of RNA- so also a building block of life in the star dust collected in the constellation of Ophiuchus. The constellation Sagittarius lies next to Ophiuchus at the Milky way, galactic center, the densest part of the sky. In fact Sagittarius points his arrow right at the galactic center, and it is out of this portal-that the aurora borealis flow. When the moon or Sun, crosses this point, it’s known as a point of transformation, squeezing one through the eye of the needle so to speak. I’ve associated Ophiuchus with the DNA switch called Celestial Fire. The shadow of this switch is desire. Desire is what pushes us to evolve and grow, but the shadow comes from the clinging to desire, the repression of desire. The psychic power/gift of this DNA switch that is triggered by Ophiuchus is the rapture of belonging. Where in the body might one experience dis-ease when this switch is being triggered? In the solar plexus and digestion.

The sun is in the constellation of Scorpius

As we are heading to the winter solstice, and the big Saturn Jupiter conjunction of a century, the sun has made its yearly voyage into the constellation of Scorpius. This constellation lies mostly north to south in the sky, and the sun transits east to west, so it will only be in Scorpius for a couple of weeks. What is the energy of Scorpius? It is connected to the DNA switch known as “embracing the dark side” . When this switch is turned off, the darkness you find yourself in is that of purposelessness. Where would you find this impacting your body? In your kidneys. the psychic power of this switch is knowing that you are Spirit in human body, so really immortal. When you realize this, life becomes the stage you are living on, going through the constant evolution while remaining fully committed to living fully in harmony with all of creation.

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Cohabitation Dehesas

Dehesa- The word comes from the old growth multifunctional agrosylvopastoral systems of Spain. The dehesas of Spain (Montados in Portugal) are examples of ecosystems where humans play a constructive role, maintaining and improving the landscape to benefit wilderness, all its inhabitants and humans equally. The area of land belongs to the village/cohabitors in common.

Forests seem permanent and natural. Few are. For at least 6,000 years men and women have shaped the woods. The forests as we know them are products of craft/art-ing.

Up until our time a forest was not a wilderness. From it might be harvested timber, firewood, tanbark, charcoal, fence and hurdle poles, splints for wattle, grass to pasture sheep, goats, cattle, horses, bison and more, acorns to fatten hogs, honey from beehives, ink from oak galls. In return, the users left the dung of the grazing animals.

A good dehesa looks like a park. The principal trees are oak, and under the trees are grasses and many more forage plants.

No one gets individually rich on a Dehesa, yet all live well. It requires a complex code of use allied to half a dozen crafts (or more) in a system of care and protection for all who come after. This has been going on since the bronze age and before. Since the Neolithic age crops have been planted among the trees.


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Owl can see that which others cannot, which is the essence of true wisdom

Owwl Dojo's Training Journey

Our body and wings

Our talons of self sustainment

Meet the Sensei



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Arting/Crafting careers

 Working for a living= merely surviving

Career-ing= inspiring for a short time

Art-ing/crafting vocation-ing= awakened radiantly happy living a full filling life.


Since humans began to build and settle down, there have been two versions of the world; the world made with wood, and the world made with coal and oil. One lasted 12 to 15 millenia, the other has lasted about 250 years so far, and is crumbling into non being.

Humans arose through the exercise of memory, reason and skill in a world that was warming and blooming. Memory gave to reason its material and skill proved a thought to be true (or not). Skill suggested a turn of the wrist, memory preserved it, reason compared it.

The human attributes-courage, faithfulness, patience, fortitude, prudence and honor were forged where the faculties met, in the making of home in the world.

Human beings learned from the woods around them. The more the people worked with the oak, the more the oak taught them what it could do.

When we talk about prehistoric Britain we tend to think of Stonehenge. What we seldom realize is that Stonehenge is by no means unique. Most of the henges that have been excavated were largely or entirely made of oak posts.

The shapes and patterns of all the henges are called entropic because it is thought that they were created within the eyes itself.

The human mind grew through the knowledge born of Art, of Craft, and in order to make, our ancestors had to imagine. In order to imagine, they had to make. Between thinking/imagining and making (art-ing/crafting) the world we know emerged.

To imagine and to make (art, craft) are reinforcing pairs that awaken your spirit to life a big talented full-filling life.


The journey

Crafting Dojo Opportunities

Service and volunteering dojo

Throw coins into the sacred pond

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Who is us

We are re-enchanting our world by honoring and celebrating everybody and everything while Art-ing a good life for all.


About aatl

Owl- wings and body

Our Renunciations

Our Animal Tribe

Our Human Tribe

Our heritage

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