Well.. it’s been awhile since I last posted! My intention was to blog weekly, but .. that didn’t happen. Since my last post, you will notice that everything on the website says “Trustee”, and we don’t use the word Warrior once!
In the story of The Peacemaker, Hiawatha tells the people “we have all been fed a great lie, the lie of war. It makes us see danger where none exists, it causes us to distrust our friends and to label the unknown as our enemy. This great lie causes us to shun the sources of our survival and to embrace the causes of our death.”
It is time to dissolve this story of war, and not only write, but LIVE a new one. To do that, continuing to use the word “warrior” is not congruent with living a new story of peace.
We have chosen to use the word Trustee, since we are Trustees of the future. If we continue to live the way we are, out of harmony with the natural rhythms and cycles of life, by Gregorian calendar time instead of Sacred Time, our next 7 generations will not have a future.
We’re changing our call to “will the Trustees of the future rise to make a difference and matter?
We dare you.